Five things for February

We’re at the phase of the year I like to think of as being the ‘dregs’ of Winter. Any sunny day offers a tantalising glimpse into the longer Spring days and the energy bound up within anything fresh and new. I’ve put together a list of 5 things to enjoy this month.

  1. Candles at breakfast

    It’s definitely getting a little lighter in the morning but it’s nice to reflect on the dramatic changes happening at this time of the year. On 1st February in the UK sunset was 07:39 and by the 28th it is set to be 06:48 - almost an hour’s difference.

2. Anything green.

I’m noticing buds in trees, fresh shoots and bulbs peeping through the surface of the soil. I’m particularly drawn to the colour green right now.

3. Pruning.

If you’re anything like me, your garden will be full of dried seed heads and grasses, their skeletal beauty dazzling in the frost. But now is the time of year to prune some of those plants (check online or in a book first if you’re not sure).

4. Small gestures.

February is the month of Valentine’s. Little gestures can be full of impact - make someone a cup of tea in the morning, go for an aimless walk or send an old fashioned letter.

5. Plan a trip.

The Spring craft fairs are gearing up. We’ll be exhibiting at Craft Festival Cheltenham in early March but there are many events you’ll find near you full of makers and artists.